Secondhand Shops Buxton

British Heart Foundation-CLOSED

48 Spring Gardens
SK17 6BZ Buxton


British Heart Foundation-CLOSED can be found at 48 Spring Gardens . The following is offered: Secondhand Shops, Charities & Voluntary Organisations - In Buxton there are 2 other Secondhand Shops. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 5 Stars

bobby arrowsmith wrote on 01-24-2014

apply for a volenteer job

i really enjoyed looking around your shop, it pleased me to see every still has a heart and hame-down tat is still coming into the shops.i was wandering about maybe you have got any volenteer jobs going as i am a dab hand for selling get in touch on07821821692 i will be much greatful. yours faithfully bobby arrowsmith


Secondhand Shops, Charities & Voluntary Organisations

Map 48 Spring Gardens